Evry-Petit-Bourg Suspension Bridge

This is an image set within the Bridgemeister collection.

Bridge:Evry-Petit-Bourg Suspension Bridge
Location:Étiolles, Soisy-sur-Seine vicinity and Évry, Essonne, France - Seine River
Coordinates and Maps:See related inventory record(s).
Image Set Contributor:Jochem Hollestelle
Related Suspension Bridge Inventory:Evry-Petit-Bourg - Étiolles, Soisy-sur-Seine vicinity and Évry, Essonne, France
Related Image Lists:All from Jochem Hollestelle
All in France
All Vehicular Suspension Bridges
Credit:Postcards and photograph, collection of Jochem Hollestelle.



Jochem notes: "Showing temporary pontoon bridge, with demolished suspension bridge in background, with abutments and towers still standing. Photo taken 29 August 1944."


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